15.5 Months & 16.5 Months
(Top  left - this was the only good photo that turned out, so we got re-takes)

16.5 Months - The Big Cheesy Grin!

We took him to the Picture People in Eugene a few times (since we're already down there for Gymboree Play class), but they just don't seem to do as good of a job as the one up in Salem.  Plus they don't have as many background colors, or props, let alone good photographers.  So now we're back to driving back up to Salem to get his photo's done.  We tried to take him to get 15.5 month photo's but out of all 5 shots, the only one that was decent was the close up, so we took him today (September 8th) to Salem to get retakes, as we're only getting his professional photos done every 3 months now.  We were very pleased with how they turned out!