Hunter’s Birth Story

I had my 40 week & 4 day prenatal appointment at 3pm on Sunday afternoon (Mother’s Day!). We had our midwife there and since her assistant would only be available now on weekends, we had a naturopath doctor attend our appointment as well. We figured that I’d most likely go into labor during the week when the assistant couldn’t attend, so our midwife asked her naturopath friend to assist in that situation. We ended up obviously not needing the naturopath visit, but on the flipside - we now have a naturopath doctor that we’d like to use for us and her office is directly below Ethan’s in this new building.

So after getting to know the naturopath & chatting with our midwife, they left around 4:30pm. My blood pressure was normal, baby was in perfect position (previously posterior), very low in the pelvis. So once they left, DH & I went outside to play with Austin and discuss what to do for my Mother’s Day dinner. We sat and talked for a while since it was nice outside, and then my Dad called to check in on us. All this while (from about 5pm) I was having mild contractions, irregular, so I didn’t say anything to Dad or DH cause I figured they’d just stop like they had the last few times this happened. DH & I decided on a steak dinner, so him & Austin went to the grocery store and left me home to shower. I showered, mopped the floor, polished tables, vacuumed and all around nested for the 30 minutes they were gone. At this point my contractions were getting kind of painful, but not unbearable.

Ethan & Austin came home & started up the BBQ. I came in the bedroom to get laundry to throw in the wash, went & did that and then came back to bed to lie down. They ended up getting more painful, so I kneeled over the side of the bed. Around 6:30, Ethan brought in dinner and we were all going to watch a movie. My contractions were approximately 4 minutes apart at this time and I could hardly eat any steak, and couldn’t stay still, so I just walked back and forth from the bathroom to bed. Then I ended up going into the bathroom and just sitting on the toilet since that felt the best. I stayed in there for about an hour - I just wanted very much to be alone to focus on relaxing. Finally Ethan coaxed me out of there (I kept locking the door and it was worrying him). I made myself comfy in bed in the dark with about 6 pillows, and just stayed there on my side. I still wanted to be alone, but with Ethan checking in on me lots - which he did. He came in and sat with me and timed contractions for me and rubbed my back for about half an hour.

He asked me a little after 8:30 if we should call the midwife & his mom, and I said yes. I thought I still had quite a ways to go. His mom had a good 4 hour drive, so he called her first. He then called our midwife and chatted with her about my progress for a few minutes. She just got out of the shower and so she was just getting dressed and would head out the door (she has a 36 mile drive to get here). He then came back in the room to check on me (at this point I was starting to feel the urge to push, but I was unsure of if I should or not so I tried to hold it for 2 contractions - ouch! I got pretty cranky and just asked to be alone. He brought me a cool cloth and went into the living room with Austin and said he’d come back to check often. I then was really feeling the urge to push and so I did, and it felt a lot better. I could really feel him moving down too.  At this point our midwife is not here since it’s only been like 15 minutes since the call. I asked Ethan for a towel since it seemed like I had a small trickle of clear fluid down my leg. My water still hadn’t broke so I didn’t want to mess up the bed. He brought me a towel and then went back to attend to Austin. I stayed in bed one more push, and then decided to get into the birth tub. I waddled from our room to the nursery (where the tub was) - it was pretty hard to walk like that! I just took my shorts off and hopped in the tub (shirt & bra still on). At this point I’m still very sweaty & starting to shake. I can’t get comfortable. I try pushing on my knees over the side of the pool. Not comfy. I then leaned back into a squat on the side of the pool and pushed. His head came out! I pushed again and the rest of him came right out. Still no midwife at this point, and Ethan & Austin are watching Lilo & Stitch in the living room! I yelled for Ethan, and he & Austin ran in and were just shocked. He grabbed Hunter from my arms (I caught him), got the bag of waters off him (he was born in it - how cool!), helped me get my top off and nuzzled him up skin to skin on my tummy.  Then grabbed the phone to call Pam (our midwife), and she was just parking her car. . Hunter’s cord had a knot in it too - but it wasn’t a problem at all. We let the cord stop pulsing on its own before clamping - then Ethan cut it. All this time - Austin is just watching & talking about baby. He was trying to put his stuffed monkey in the tub for baby and wanted to take a bath with mommy. LOL.

I got Hunter latched on and he nursed for a good hour. Then I passed him off to Daddy so I could get up.   Everything  looked great.  They weighed him 8lbs 8 oz, and 20 ¾ inches long. He looks just like Austin did!

The midwives cleaned up the mess and left us around 12:30 to all sleep in our king size family bed. It was wonderful!



The next morning, I woke up at 7:30 to feed Hunter. I fed him, and then woke DH up to change our now poopy baby, while I went to the bathroom. DH called to me with what to do if his cord wouldn’t stop bleeding. I said I don’t know - ask your mom (she arrived at 1:30am this morning and is a RN). I was trying to hurry out of the bathroom, but still super dizzy at this point. I get out of the bathroom and Ethan is blacked out on the couch, and his mom is holding hunter’s belly to put pressure on it and there’s lots of blood everywhere. I barely manage to crawl to the kitchen to call the midwife, and she says to call the EMT’s. We do and they get here like 5 minutes later. By this time Ethan is coming around (he’s never passed out at anyone else’s blood before, so he’s mad at himself for being so useless in this situation). The EMT’s get here, I can’t get up cause I’m so dizzy (lying on the floor), and they decide to take him to the hospital. Our midwife didn’t want me to go cause I need to be lying down. Ethan’s mom has pressure on his cord, so the EMT’s take her with them. I am not staying home, so I make Ethan wake up Austin & dress him, while we scramble out the door within 5 minutes of them leaving. I call my Dad on the way to the hospital to let him know what’s going on.

We get to the ER and they’ve re-clamped his cord (it was tied), and he is no longer bleeding and they can’t find where the blood came out (it was around the base, not out the end of the cord). They’re giving him a Vitamin K shot & doing heel pricks to check platelet counts. I’m a wreck by this point and in a wheelchair. They think one of the blood vessels slipped back from the tie and that’s what caused it, but they can’t find where around his belly the blood came out. We stayed at the hospital for about 3 hours and everything comes back normal. He’s been ok this whole time & nursed twice. We’re then allowed to come home. We talked to our midwife and I guess her assistant tied the cord and when she looked at it that afternoon (after all this hospital stuff), she said it wasn’t tight enough, and was angry that she didn’t double check her assistants work. So he’s now got a clamp on his belly, and we have to take him to the pediatrician's office tomorrow morning to get it off.

So we tried to avoid the whole hospital thing, but ended up going anyways for him. Poor thing. Since we’ve been home he’s been fine. He’s nursing like a pro. Austin is adjusting wonderfully and likes to hold brother on his lap. Hunter’s cloth diapers are too big! As are most of his clothes. I never thought that would happen! I never thought I’d ever end up having an un-assisted childbirth - I’m not a big fan of them! I was definitely grateful though that Pam was there for me right after though. I would definitely have another water birth at home though! Maybe call the midwife a bit sooner?


Wednesday May 12, 2004

We took Hunter to his pediatrician this morning to check on his umbilical cord.  She applied some Silver Nitrate to it, to help dry it up quickly.  Hopefully it will fall off in the next day or two.  We have to take him back again on Friday morning to get the clamp removed if it hasn't yet fallen off. 

She looked him over, and everything looks great.  He weighs 7 pounds 14 ounces, so  that's pretty normal.  Mommy's milk just came in last night, so he'll start picking up some weight here pretty quickly now.  He managed to pee all over Daddy in the doctor's office today!  And then again once he got home.  Lucky Daddy. 

Mommy's midwife is coming this evening to check up on us, but we do seem to be all doing well.  Grandma Laura has been here helping and taking great care of us.  Unfortunately she has to leave today to get back to work.  We do have a post partum doula coming to help out for the next few weeks though, and Daddy is still able to work from home most days. 

Austin & Hunter will go in on May 21st for their 2 year and 2 week well baby check ups.